Gen0 NFT Pets & Mounts
Gen0 NFT Pets & Mounts
We’re so thrilled to introduce the Gen0 Bitverse Hero exclusive Pets and Mounts that we couldn’t wait any longer to share them with you.
The Mount
The Nightmare, while equipped in Bit Heroes Quest, provides Bitverse Heroes a bonus to Movement Speed! The version you see here comes with all Legendary Gen0 Bitverse Heroes. Keep an eye out for the even more nightmarish version that comes with the Mythic Gen0 Bitverse Heroes.
The Pet
The Mimic, while equipped in Bit Heroes Quest, provides Bitverse Heroes a bonus to Item Find! This version comes with the Epic Bitverse Gen0 Heroes. Soon to be showcased are the more monstrous versions that come with the Legendary and Mythic Bitverse Gen0 Heroes.
More To Come
Once we’re ready to do so we’ll be sure to share the rest of the Mount and Pet tiers with you along with the benefits they provide across the other Bitverse games we have in the oven.
Only This Once
While the stat values for the Mounts and Pets are still being decided it is 100% guaranteed that if these two stats are ever featured again on Mounts and Pets that they will never be close to these Gen0 values.
How To Get Them
Until September 20th, 2022 users can apply for a spot on the Allowlist for a chance to be among the first to purchase the Gen0 Bitverse Heroes these friendly monsters accompany. Users can also pay a fee and reserve their spot on the Allowlist while reservation slots last. Below is a link to a step-by-step walkthrough of how to apply for the Allowlist. Additionally, keep an eye on our Discord and Twitter for other exciting opportunities and chances to make it onto the Allowlist. If you apply to be on the Allowlist and your name is randomly chosen you will be contacted via Discord.